Four Years of WordPress

So the other day I received an email from WordPress informing me that I had registered with them four years ago.

Shit, I thought, that seems a long time, four years. No way! I looked and am only just coming up to my 150th post. What the fuck have I been doing all this time? 150 posts in four years. That is less than 40 a year on average. Yes, I am quite sure most of you could have done that insanely, complex piece of  mathematics yourself, but I have been used to living in a nanny state, where spoon feeding everyone has become the norm. So why so long, and why so few posts? When you take into account that nigh on 130 of those posts have been made this year, you may ask yourself why I even had a blog in those days. You and me both, believe me.

This blog was started, in the main, as a vehicle for work. My original intent was to use it to write about current hot topics in environmental chemistry and analysis. This would then be used to drive traffic to the company website, in much the same way I envisaged twitter working for us. That turned out to be so boring and uninspiring that I almost never posted, and certainly not on topic. Over time, the blog morphed to become a little more personal and then I made one of the most important decisions of my life. That decision was to start to blog on a more regular basis, and on something I actually cared about, books and literature, although as you all know, I am also partial to the occasional lewd comment.

It has been amazing having somewhere to share my thoughts regarding the things that I am passionate about. Literature, books, and reading, in particular. Having somewhere that there are other people willing, and able, to discuss those passions has been so immensely rewarding.

I have met many wonderful people here since making this change and I would like to thank everyone that has made blogging such an enjoyable experience. I hope that readers of this blog occasionally find some value in my posts. Of course, I never expected to find love through blogging, but that happened too. Like I said, it was a pivotal moment in my life, when I started blogging again, although I didn’t know this at the time.

So here is to another four years. Who knows what I will be doing with this blog then, or indeed if it will even exist. Thank you once again, to one and all, for being part of my extremely enjoyable WordPress experience.

Comments, especially lewd ones, (see the tagline above), are appreciated, as always.

118 thoughts on “Four Years of WordPress

  1. Julian,
    We have all enjoyed you and your erudite postings. It is nice that you found love and life in the endeavor . I hope for another four years as well. I really can’t think of a lewd comment, but hope when I do I can get back to you on that. 😎


  2. Julian,
    That’s so interesting because my blog actually started from just something to learn some programming but eventually morphed into… I don’t know… something else though. Same thing, I think the first year I had maybe 10 posts. Now though… I have um over 400 since February, lol. I think maybe I went a little nuts.

    Glad to see the transition is working for you and hope to read more of your work (even if it might be a bit lewd 😉 )


    • Thanks Bradley. It is odd isn’t it, how the original intent and what prompted us to set up our blogs has evolved over time turning them into something probably completely unrecognisable now. I would imagine that it is like that with many people though.

      I am so glad that you are interested in reading more, and you can be sure that there will definitely be a certain degree of lewdness involved.


  3. I’ve had a similar journey. I started my blog in 2007 to try and present myself as a freelance editor. That didn’t go anywhere, I stopped posting for about 3 years, and when I came back … Boom! It seemed like overnight I amassed a wonderful group of new friends (your love and you being part of that group). Now I’m blogging for the pure pleasure of it, to enjoy reading and writing about reading and writing. And, of course, the occasional lewd comment ;). Here’s to you blogging for many more years to come!


    • Absolutely. It is also nice to hear that a number of other people have had similar journeys with their blogs evolving into something different from the original intent. I think it just needs the right people to include you as part of things, and it makes all the difference. I love that phrase ‘to enjoy reading and writing about reading and writing’.


  4. I am going to try to make this as non lewd as possible. I began my blog with the intent of attracting a ridiculously intelligent environmental chemist with a fucking English “accent” and a love for swearing and inappropriate sexually charged banter in public forums. What I ended up with was a blog that attracted a ridiculously intelligent and charming environmental chemist with a fucking English “accent” and a love for swearing and inappropriate sexually charged banter in public forums.

    wait…something about books.

    Fuck it.


  5. I came here to say congrats on four years of blogging and {{{{fanning myself}}}}} whew! Anyway, ahem, I also wanted to congratulate you on finding love. Although I only know Ionia (and you) through the blogosphere, she is quite a rare jewel. I’m sure that unexpected part of your blogging journey is something you will always treasure :-)


    • Thank you so much for your support. I agree that she is certainly a rare jewel, and one that I will always treasure. I guess my blogging journey has been kind of like following a treasure map, with the ultimate prize at the end, which I have finally located.


  6. Pingback: 154th Post | Julian Froment's Blog

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