Prodigy of Rainbow Tower – Charles Yallowitz

I do not tend to use the word awesome much, but it is certainly deserved here. Go Charles! You are awesome.

C. Miller

I’m not sure if anyone else wants to admit it, but we all know there’s some sort of . . . pecking order, I’d call it, when it comes to bloggers. That’s probably the wrong way to put it, and I know at least SOMEONE out there is going to misunderstand what I meant. I’m not saying that there is some legitimate list (The Who’s Who of Blogging). There’s not. I’m saying that we all have this idea in our heads – ESPECIALLY when we first start out blogging (and I still consider myself a noob at it). It’s our own little mental list of people who, despite interacting with so many OTHER people, would not DARE interact with us. I know I had (still have) my own list of people I’d think would have zero interest in acknowledging my existence in the world.

Charles Yallowitz was one…

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