Sunshine and Versatile Blogger Awards

I was recently nominated for both the Sunshine award and the Versatile Blogger Awards. I admit I have been a bit lax about my acceptance of these. I love to receive these awards, but I find it difficult to keep coming up with blogs to nominate, having only limited time to spend reading blogs on a daily basis. To that end I will be nominating the following blogs for both of these awards.

See below for the rules for each award and my responses as appropriate.

The Sunshine Award


I was nominated for this a little while ago by TamrahJo, the original post being here. I very much appreciate this and will begin by stating the rules

Post the Logo (above)

Accept the nomination and link back to the nominator (above).

Answer the questions.

Nominate some other blogs and inform them of the nomination.

So, first the questions and my answers:

Favourite colour: Black

Favourite animal: Tropical fish, particularly the big and ugly Oscar

Favourite number: Two

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Espresso

Favourite alcoholic drink: Port

Facebook or Twitter: Twitter

My passions: Reading and writing obviously, but it used to be playing the guitar in, my younger days.

Giving or receiving gifts: Both

Favourite city: Cambridge, UK

Favourite TV shows: If I have to pick one it is probably Castle, particularly the earlier few seasons.

The Versatile Blogger Award


I was nominated for this by LindaGHill in this post. Many thanks for this honour.

Here are the rules of this award.

Add The Versatile Blogger award logo on a blog post (above)

Thank the person that presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post (above)

Share seven things about yourself

Pass the award along to 15 favourite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Seven random things about me.

I like to read

I am extremely shy and hate answering questions about myself

I support Arsenal Football Club

I tend to take a long time to open up and trust people

I worry a lot, about almost everything

I dislike housework and DIY

I am extremely loyal

I apologise to all for my laziness in my acceptance of these awards, but I hope that you can forgive me. Once again, many thanks to both TamrahJo and LindaGHill for nominating me.

Another Sunshine Award


What started as a great week for me, with appearing as blogger of the week on Ionia Martin’s readfulthingsblog, has also ended on a high with a nomination from createdbyrcw for the sunshine award. Many thanks to him for this, and for the kind words in his post.

So without further ado, here are the rules, in outline.

Post the Sunshine Award logo.

Accept the nomination and link back to the nominator (above).

Answer the questions.

Nominate ten other blogs and inform them of the nomination.

So, the questions and answers:

Favourite colour: Black

Favourite animal: Tropical fish, particularly the big and ugly Oscar

Favourite number: Two

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Coffee

Favourite alcoholic drink: Port

Facebook or Twitter: Was Facebook last time I received this award, but my allegiance has changed to twitter.

My passions: Reading and writing obviously, but it used to be playing the guitar in, my younger days.

Giving or receiving gifts: Both

Favourite city: Cambridge, UK

Favourite TV shows: Castle, Black Books, Burn Notice, Early Seasons of House – the later ones got a bit silly

And here are my nominees. These are all blogs that I enjoy regularly. I hope that they all accept.

Chris McMullen

A New Writer’s Life and Times

Creative Mysteries

Intriguing Readings

Interesting Literature

The Matilda Project

Ashley Calvani

Hayley Vornholt

Thoughts from a Cluttered Mind


Congratulations to all of my nominees, and thanks once again to createdbyrcw for my nomination.