Okay, I’m a Convert

Okay. So I’m a convert. Not in any religious sense. No, I haven’t joined a cult. At least not any new ones. But I have made a momentous decision. One amongst many lately, as it happens. I have decided that I like being able to read ebooks on a mobile device. I haven’t yet invested in a kindle, but I do have the kindle app on my tablet. And here is the shocker. I love it. I love the freedom that it gives me to travel and still be able to take a library of books with me. I also love that it allows me to carry on getting the books that I want, at a time when I am trying to reduce the amount of stuff that I have to dispose of, or take care of, when I sell my house and move. I never thought I would enjoy reading on an ebook reader, but I do. Perhaps it is time for me to send out some more hypocrite cards, after my ereader bashing days.

That being said, this will never replace physical books in that special book place in my heart. There will always be something special for me about physical books. I like the look and feel of them so much. For me there is just something indescribably beautiful about a physical book, well, most of them at least. As I have discussed before, and shall refrain from boring you with in detail again, all of my senses get a kick out of physical books. Actual bricks and mortar bookstores will never, for me, be able to be replaced by buying an ebook, or even a physical book, online either. The experience of browsing in a small, dusty independent bookstore. Visiting that special bookstore with a loved one and reminiscing about pivotal moments in your life together, whilst conversing about books outside with a coffee. Smiling as you think about that store, years later, and what you got there. Memories are built in places like this. This could never be surpassed by purchasing a book online with the click of a mouse button.

So there you have it. After all this time I am a convert to ereaders, in their place of course, and the freedom that they provide. I am a hypocrite, and I don’t care who knows it. Deal with it. I have.

99 thoughts on “Okay, I’m a Convert

  1. I became a convert a few years ago. But I still love the bookstore/library experience.

    I had hundreds of books that I hated moving. I donated most of them to our local library for their annual book sale.

    I have a Nook and the apps on my iPad. Thinking about buying a Kindle with the eInk technology just for outdoor reading on bright days.


    • Yes, I am loving it. The kindle to be able to read outside in the sun is a great idea that I will have to look at. I would also like to be able to read easily in the dark. I will still always have lots of physical books, but at least I can travel without a container truck if I have a kindle or the like.


  2. As someone who does a lot of reading and doesn’t own a car, my Kindle gives me an easy way to carry a lot of books with me so that they are available when I want them–that, to my mind, is the greatest advantage.


  3. You are right, on all accounts. I must agree. There is nothing like the joy of actual pages, the scent if a lilac laced book and perusing the shelves of a physical book store. (Thirteenth tale.)

    I too, as you know, read a lot on ereaders, but I do not get the same joy from looking at a digital cover as I do from the whimsical inner layout of a paper copy. There is something about the fleurons and the stylistic beauty of paper pages that cannot possibly be rivaled by anything digital.

    Being able to carry more at once is a hefty advantage, though I usually still have a paper book with me everywhere I go (Squishy cover!!!)

    I will never stop feeling nor answering the call of a bookstore. The enticement of great discovery is too irresistible.

    Oh, and I love bookmarks.


  4. I love my kindle because I can carry multiple books and it’s still light and portable. I also like the search and highlight functions. Mine is the type that can be read in sunlight although I wish it had a light for night reading too (but I just use a book light). I read whenever I have the chance so I always have it with me. But like you, I still enjoy traditional books and if I like an ebook enough I’ll buy the paper book and add it to my collection.


    • I guess it is just one of those things, where you need to have a reason to try it, travel or convenience or the like, then you realise what a great boon they can be. Never replace real books for me though.


  5. I so miss brick and mortar bookstores. There’s one by me and it’s a big chain. I miss those small stores that are practically one room, so you can wander around easily. Those were great because it was more fun making special orders and chatting with the staff about the books. I guess my question is do they still have the small mom and pop bookstores on your side of the pond?


  6. Since my eyes started acting up, I have gradually fallen in love with my three Kindles and the apps on my tablet and my laptop. Not only can I adjust the font, line spacing and lighting, I can turn on the text-to-speech and close my eye or follow along in the tree-book or eBook, or multitask. I still love the texture and smell of tree-books, they surround me. I still buy them. But I try to have a backup on my Kindles.


    • I agree with your point about having physical books as well as ebooks. I suspect I am likely to have at least two copies of most books, although I suppose the ebooks will let me check them out more cheaply at first and I can get the physical book if I like it.


      • There are so many free ebooks, although less edited, that I don’t think I’ll live long enough to read them all. But, by golly, should a bored moment strike there is something there to check out! Many of the freebies are part of a series. That is a trick that has worked for me. I end up buying the others in the series. Once I have them all I am assured of a long, great read.

        By the way, I, also, collect the Audible versions of books. Though more expensive than tree or Kindle, the actors, narrators, add a deeper level to the story. That is how I made it through, and became a huge fan of the Game of Thrones series.


      • The audible books sound interesting. I have never been that interested in audio books, but I have a lot of dead time in cars and so it could be a useful medium to explore.


      • My daughter either listens to her Kindle telling the story using Text-to-Speech or audio-CDs borrowed from the library for her daily commute. What a great way to spend dead time!


    • I most definitely am, but only partially so. I will always be a bibliophile and physical books will remain one of the most important things in my life. They have given me so much and led me to so many wondrous discoveries.


  7. You would be a hypocrite only if you continued to bad mouth ebooks while stealing away to your bathroom with your tablet to read them in secret. I think you have a healthy perspective on ebooks and ebook readers. It’s all about convenience, but for the love of a book, there’s no better place than an independent bookstore or one’s local library. If you decide to get a Kindle, then I recommend the Paperwhite. While I do have a WiFi-enabled Kobo (which I love), I recently purchased a Paperwhite so I better read all those great novels that our friends are publishing through Amazon. It’s lightweight and slim, a simple but effective design. I have the 3G network enabled because free wireless is not always available where I live, and I do demand instant gratification when it comes to purchasing books. Enjoy the wonderful world of ebooks 🙂


    • Thanks. I intend to enjoy this new world that has opened up. Thanks for the recommendation also. I will look into that.

      One of the things that has prompted me to indulge more in ebooks is the number of novels of friends, and others, that are available. I agree with your point about instant gratification too. I want it and I want it now is kind of my philosophy, although I can exhibit patience too


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