Until I Fell in Love with You


This is short piece dedicated to the woman that I love, Ionia. I am not sure that you can call it poetry, I mean it doesn’t even fucking rhyme, but it is from the heart.

Until I fell in love with you,
I never realised how much it was possible to miss someone,
Their voice, their laugh, their presence.
Until I fell in love with you,
I never realised that it was possible to be thinking of someone else,
To the exclusion of every other thought, all of the time.
Until I fell in love with you,
the world was devoid of colour,
A plane of muted shadows
Until I fell in love with you,
I never realised how happy loving someone else could make me.
Until I fell in love with you,
I never knew what love was.
I love you, Ionia.

31 thoughts on “Until I Fell in Love with You

  1. I second the comments that say poetry doesn’t have to rhyme. Poetry is from the heart, words written by the soul. If it sounds right to you, then it is right. Your poem is beautiful. I’m so happy for you both šŸ™‚


  2. I wish my boyfriend would write something like that about me, but he won’t even read a book never mind write haha. Lovely piece of writing, Ionia is very lucky you have you šŸ™‚


  3. Poetry needn’t rhyme. Some poets believe you should use the best word to express yourself. Others like the challenge of trying to do it through rhyme or meter. Both ways seem to be popular and both have merit. I agree with Charles’s assertion that it’s your heart that counts.

    Nice (insert expletive here)-ing poem. šŸ™‚


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